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John Grant

Author, Strategist

John Grant

John Grant’s new book Made With (The Emerging Alternative to Western Brands) was published September 2013. He is also the author of Co-opportunity (2010), the award winning Green Marketing Manifesto (2007) and three other books. His first book the New Marketing Manifesto (1999) was named one of the 10 Best Business Books of 1999 by Books Online. John started his communications strategy career at agencies JWT and then BMP-DDB where he won the coveted IPA Effectiveness Grand Prix. He went on to become co-founder and head of strategy at creative agency St Luke’s (as featured in the Harvard Business Review, Fast Company Magazine) in the mid 1990s. Since then John has advised clients on brands, marketing, behaviour change, strategy and innovation with a particular focus on the three main meta trends; sustainability, digital and globalisation. John’s clients have included the BBC, Cafe Direct, Capco, Cisco, the Co-operative Bank, Daylesford, Ecotricity, Ernst & Young, Freshfields, The Guardian, Heidrick & Struggles, HSBC, IBM, IKEA, ING, innocent, LEGO, Microsoft, Nandos, Natura Cosmetics, Nokia, O2, Pictet, Philips, Shell, Sony Mobile, Unilever, the Royal Mail and various departments of the UK and Swedish governments. John has extensive international experience working with brands across Europe, North and South America and Asia. John is also the co-founder (with Deborah Meaden) of Ecoinomy, a greening the workplace web 2.0 start up. And he has worked with numerous startups (including early dotcom pioneers such as such as Napster and Amazon, as well as many social ventures).



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