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Jessica Lovell

Chief Strategy Officer at Wonderhood Studios, London

Jessica Lovell

I have been working in advertising in London for the last 20 years. I have been lucky enough to work in some of the most extraordinary agencies throughout their heydays, and also worked on some brilliant pieces of business with extremely talented colleagues.
During my 5 years at St Luke’s I worked on Eurostar, Clarks shoes, and Boots cosmetics brands. Creating award winning work for all of them.
I then spent a very special 11 years at Mother, and throughout my time there worked on almost all of the agencies key accounts – at both of these agencies creativity was the thing that was at the heart and the effectiveness of the campaigns followed, but was not always closely scrutinised.
I am currently Head of Planning at adam and eve DDB. Here I have the privilege of working in a culture that has both effectiveness and creativity in its DNA. At adam and eve ddb, we promote a very strong effectiveness mindset, and consider it to be one of the core things that we deliver for our clients. It is forensically examined, and we have a strong code of beliefs that sit at the heart of what we do. We have just been awarded the IPA effectiveness agency of the year for the third time running, and won the effectiveness grand prix for the third time running.



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