With a career spanning almost two decades, I have delivered subject matter expertise to nurture business growth and stay ahead of market competition through innovative marketing, advertising, and digital transformation initiatives. I am a future-focused professional with accomplished track record of leading multi-faceted spectrum of marketing and creative design endeavors with exposure across marketing and advertising environments.
Over the years, I have offered services to globally renowned companies including PepsiCo Group, Walmart, Lenovo, Kellogg Co., CENTRO, BBVA Bancomer, A&E Entertainment, NBC Universal, Clowdertank, Google/Waze, Segunda Mano México. Besides this, I have contributed actively to foster a new generation of digital marketers by teaching at schools such as ISDI(Mx), CENTRO (Mx), CEDIM (Mx), Digital Invaders (Mx) and Miami Ad School (Mx and US) as well as publishing 20+ books about my experiences on advertising, programming, and interactive design.