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Aisea Laungaue

Partner, Chief Strategy Officer at Anomaly LA.

Aisea Laungaue

Aisea (pronounced like Isaiah) was born in Auckland, grew up in Sydney and now lives in LA.

If you ever need advice on which airport food courts are the best, Aisea’s your man. Born in Auckland, raised in Sydney and now living in Los Angeles, Aisea has traveled far and wide in search of interesting business problems to solve.
After dabbling in journalism and politics, Aisea found his place when he started as a graduate trainee at Saatchi & Saatchi Sydney, learning the ropes of strategy on brands like Toyota and Cadbury. At 23, he was promoted to lead INDUSTRY@Saatchi, an innovation consultancy with flagship client Sony. There, his work earned multiple Account Planning Group awards, one of the first case studies to codify the then-nascent practice of partnering with YouTube influencers.
After working across the Saatchi & Saatchi network in multiple offices on global clients like General Mills and P&G, Aisea joined Anomaly where he became Co-Head of Planning, overseeing a department with a range of diverse outputs, ranging from new product development for P&G Beauty to the EFFIE-award winning restage of brands like Captain Morgan for Diageo.
Aisea then made the move to Los Angeles in search of a new challenge and found himself establishing the strategic planning practice at Creative Artists Agency, the world’s biggest entertainment company. He developed cultural strategies for a diverse range of corporate and talent clients, from boybands and film directors to soda and whiskey brands.
Now, Aisea is Partner and Chief Strategy Officer of Anomaly Los Angeles, an office he’s helped to build from scratch, serving a diverse range of clients (including Facebook and Coca-Cola) with a new set of business problems to solve.



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