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You will find fellows from different backgrounds and countries, who share a desire to keep learning to improve or renew their skills.

The learning

Hoala Alumni means becoming part of an exclusive professional community whose members have already completed at least one of our training programs.

Our biggest goal is to build a powerful Alumni network. More than 300 fellow members of the Hoala family from different backgrounds and countries, pushing each other to continue growing and sharing a desire to keep learning to improve or renew their skills.

With an average of
0 years
of professional experience.
From 0
different countries.
With job title as

Hoala Alumni Advantages


Support for/between/by our members goes on through a private Hoala channel. In need of references for your presentations or maybe you need a second opinion? Just post there any question or request and the Hoala family will help you out.

Continuous training plan

People belonging to Hoala Alumni are the only ones who can access individual sessions of our master courses. In this way, they can complement their education by accessing new lecturers, renewed content or inspiring talks.


The Hoala Alumni community has a special lifetime discount on all our courses, so that they can easily access to the new programs and continue training. Discover all our courses here.

Exclusive events

Periodically we organize events aimed exclusively at our Hoala Alumni. Meetings with lecturers, access to free talks, social gatherings to establish networking,…

Priority access

Being part of Hoala Alumni allows you to have access to new training before anyone else. Keep in mind that all our formations offer small groups and make sure you don’t run out of space!


Find Hoala Alumni

If you want to connect with our alumni and get in touch with any of them, you can do so through the Hoala Alumni section on LinkedIn:

What do our Alumni think about Hoala?

Training programs

And if you’re not yet part of the Hoala Community, you can join now. Discover the training that best suits your professional needs and become a member of the school’s exclusive alumni group.

Select your subscription list based on your interests
Hoala Amsterdam
Hoala Spain